Active and Passive Voice Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense sendiri adalah sebuah penunjuk waktu dalam bahasa inggris yang mengisyaratkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau dan tidak lagi terjadi di masa sekarang maupun di masa depan. Biasanya kalimat di dalam simple past tense ditandai dengan adanya kata kerja lampau yang biasa juga kita sebut dengan verb kedua. Kalimat dalam simple past tense tidak hanya berbentuk aktif ada juga dalam bentuk pasif, dan antara aktif dan pasif tidak memiliki perbedaan yang mencolok hanya saja dalam bentuk aktif maka subject berada di depan kalimat di depan kata kerja tepatnya sedangkan dalam kalimat pasifnya maka object yang ada di belakang dijadikan subject, dan subject awal bisa dihilangkan maupun tetap ada di kalimat dengan tambahan by dan kata kerja yang pasti digunakan dalam kalimat pasif adalah kata kerja bentuk ketiga, untuk lebih jelasnya lagi mari kita simak rumus serta contohnya berikut ini biar anda lebih jelas lagi,
- kalimat aktif : S+V2+O/C
– She took the course many times.
S V2 O O/C
- kalimat pasif : S+To be+Participated (V3)
– This food was made by riska.
S To be V3
Contoh Kalimat aktif dan pasif
- kalimat aktif : she ate many cakes fast.
Kalimat pasif : many cakes were eaten by her fast.
(banyak kue yang telah dimakan olehnya dengan cepat)
- kalimat aktif : he brought books.
Kalimat pasif : books were brought by him.
(buku-buku itu dibawa olehnya)
- kalimat aktif : chintya took bag.
Kalimat pasif : bag was taken by chintya.
(tas tersebut telah diambil oleh chintya)
- kalimat aktif : it took much time.
Kalimat pasif : it was taken much time.
(hal ini menghabiskan banyak waktu)
- kalimat aktif : the villain shot Lydia.
Kalimat pasif : Lydia was shot by the villain.
(Lydia ditembak oleh penjahat)
- kalimat aktif : laura finished it so fast.
Kalimat pasif : it was finished so fast.
(hal ini diselesaikan dengan cepat)
- kalimat aktif : my brother loved these pictures.
Kalimat pasif : these pictures were loved by my brother.
(gambar-gambar tersebut sangat disukai oleh kakak lelakiku)
- kalimat aktif : we need those meals.
Kalimat pasif : those meals were need by us.
(makanan-makanan tersebut dibutuhkan oleh kami)
- kalimat aktif : haji benu street located in it.
Kalimat pasif : it was located by haji benu street.
(lokasinya berada di jalan haji benu)
- kalimat aktif : he knew as famous people.
Kalimat pasif : he was known as famous people.
(dia dikenal sebagai orang yang terkenal)
- kalimat aktif : these problems needed to solve by her.
Kalimat pasif : she was needed to solve these problems.
(dia dibutuhkan untuk memecahkan beberapa permasalahan)
- kalimat aktif : his arm carried the cute cat.
Kalimat pasif : the cute cat was carried in his arm.
(kucing lucu tersebut dibawa di lengannya)
- kalimat aktif : this cook book needed to complete the fishes.
Kalimat pasif : the fishes were needed to complete this cook book.
(ikan tersebut dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi buku resepnya)
- kalimat aktif : they bought those bags.
Kalimat pasif : those bags were bought by them.
(tas-tas tersebut dibeli oleh mereka)
- kalimat aktif : sandy washed the car.
Kalimat pasif : the car was washed by sandy.
(mobil tersebut dicuci oleh sandy)
- kalimat aktif : ria made this omelette from the bottom of her heart.
Kalimat pasif : this omelette was made from the bottom of her heart.
(telur dadar dibuat olehnya dari hati yang terdalam)
- kalimat aktif : make up changed her face.
Kalimat pasif : her face was changed by make up.
(wajahnya berubah karena make up)
- kalimat aktif : sinta polished her nails in pink colour.
Kalimat pasif : her nails were polished in pink colour.
(kukunya di cat berwarna pink)
- kalimat aktif : she read those books continuously.
Kalimat pasif : those books were read continuously by her.
(buku-buku tersebut dibaca secara bertahap olehnya)
- kalimat aktif : he destroyed the plates sometimes.
Kalimat pasif : the plates were destroyed sometimes.
(piring tersebut pecah kadang-kadang)
- kalimat aktif : nara wrote a short story.
Kalimat pasif : a short story was written by nara.
(cerita pendek tersebut ditulis oleh nara)
- kalimat aktif : he repaired the work immediately.
Kalimat pasif : the work was repaired by him immediately.
(pekerjaan tersebut diperbaiki olehnya dengan segera)
- kalimat aktif : the thieves stole this computer.
Kalimat pasif : this computer was stolen by the thieves.
(komputer ini telah dicuri oleh para pencuri)
- kalimat aktif : lia made a strawberry cake.
Kalimat pasif : a strawberry cake was made by lia.
(kue strawberry ini dibuat oleh lia)
- kalimat aktif : she called with this mobile phone regularly.
Kalimat pasif : this mobile phone was called regularly.
(telepon genggam ini memanggil secara teratur)
- kalimat aktif : I needed my boyfriend.
Kalimat pasif : my boyfriend was needed by me.
(aku membutuhkan kekasihku)
- kalimat aktif : his friend loved him.
Kalimat pasif : he was loved by his friend.
(dia dicintai oleh temannya)
- kalimat aktif : he bought the shoes.
Kalimat pasif : the shoes was bought by him.
(sepatu tersebut telah dibeli olehnya)
- kalimat aktif : he pulled victor strongly.
Kalimat pasif : victor was pulled strongly.
(victor terdorong dengan kerasnya)
- kalimat aktif : she sang the songs.
Kalimat pasif : the songs were sung by her.
(lagu-lagu tersebut dinyanyikan olehnya)
Contoh Kalimat aktif
- I played tennis.
(aku bermain olahraga tennis)
- the train left every morning at 9 am.
(kereta tersebut tiba setiap paginya pukul 9 pagi)
- she always forgot her purse.
(dia selalu lupa dompetnya)
- he never forgot his wallet.
(dia tidak pernah lupa dompetnya)
- every twelve months, the earth circled the sun.
(setiap 12 bulan, bumi mengitari matahari)
- I worked in a bank.
(aku bekerja di bank)
- I worked in London.
(aku bekerja di London)
- cats drank milk.
(kucing minum susu)
- California located in America.
(California terdapat di America)
- windows made of glass.
(jendela terbuat dari kaca)
- New York shaped small city.
(New York adalah kota yang kecil)
- the party started at 9 o’clock.
(pesta tersebut dimulai pada pukul 9 pagi)
- I waited here for you.
(aku disini sekarang untukmu)
- he needed help .
(dia membutuhkan bantuan )
- he had his passport in his hand.
(dia memiliki passport di tangannya)
- I rushed in my office now.
(aku sibuk di kantorku sekarang)
- anita repaired the work immediately.
(anita memperbaiki pekerjaannya dengan segera)
- lia make banana split yesterday.
(lia membuat banana split kemarin)
- aina wanted those cakes that sell in supermarket.
(aina ingin beberapa kue yang dijual di supermarket)
- we took picture sometimes.
(kami mengambil gambar kadang-kadang)
- they learned English everyday in school.
(mereka belajar bahasa inggris setiap hari di sekolah)
- some students asked their teacher about the problem.
(beberapa siswa bertanya kepada gurunya tentang masalah mereka)
- he bring chocolate for her girlfriend in white day.
(dia membawa chocolate untuk kekasihnya di white day)
- my boyfriend loved me so much.
(kekasihku sangat mencintaiku)
- my friends came late.
(teman-temanku datang terlambat)
- the ship arrived late.
(kapal itu datang terlambat)
- he answered her question about math subject.
(dia menjawab pertanyaannya tentang mata pelajaran matematika)
- they needed to bring jacket when they go to dieng mountain.
(mereka harus membawa jaket ketika mereka pergi ke pegunungan dieng)
- he ate fast food everyday.
(dia memakan makanan cepat saji setiap hari)
- heni bought a cheap bag in market.
(heni membeli tas murah di pasar)
Contoh Kalimat pasif
- many cakes were eaten by her fast.
(banyak kue yang telah dimakan olehnya dengan cepat)
- books were brought by him.
(buku-buku itu dibawa olehnya)
- bag was taken by chintya.
(tas tersebut telah diambil oleh chintya)
- it was taken much time.
(hal ini menghabiskan banyak waktu)
- Lydia was shot by the villain.
(Lydia ditembak oleh penjahat)
- it was finished so fast.
(hal ini diselesaikan dengan cepat)
- these pictures were loved by my brother.
(gambar-gambar tersebut sangat disukai oleh kakak lelakiku)
- those meals were need by us.
(makanan-makanan tersebut dibutuhkan oleh kami)
- it was located by haji benu street.
(lokasinya berada di jalan haji benu)
- he was known as famous people.
(dia dikenal sebagai orang yang terkenal)
- she was needed to solve these problems.
(dia dibutuhkan untuk memecahkan beberapa permasalahan)
- the cute cat was carried in his arm.
(kucing lucu tersebut dibawa di lengannya)
- the fishes were needed to complete this cook book.
(ikan tersebut dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi buku resepnya)
- those bags were bought by them.
(tas-tas tersebut dibeli oleh mereka)
- the car was washed by sandy.
(mobil tersebut dicuci oleh sandy)
- this omelette was made from the bottom of her heart.
(telur dadar dibuat olehnya dari hati yang terdalam)
- her face was changed by make up.
(wajahnya berubah karena make up)
- her nails were polished in pink colour.
(kukunya di cat berwarna pink)
- those books were read continuously by her.
(buku-buku tersebut dibaca secara bertahap olehnya)
- the plates were destroyed sometimes.
(piring tersebut pecah kadang-kadang)
- a short story was written by nara.
(cerita pendek tersebut ditulis oleh nara)
- the work was repaired by him immediately.
(pekerjaan tersebut diperbaiki olehnya dengan segera)
- this computer was stolen by the thieves.
(komputer ini telah dicuri oleh para pencuri)
- a strawberry cake was made by lia.
(kue strawberry ini dibuat oleh lia)
- this mobile phone was called regularly.
(telepon genggam ini memanggil secara teratur)
- my boyfriend was needed by me.
(aku membutuhkan kekasihku)
- he was loved by his friend.
(dia dicintai oleh temannya)
- the shoes was bought by him.
(sepatu tersebut telah dibeli olehnya)
- victor was pulled strongly.
(victor terdorong dengan kerasnya)
- the songs were sung by her.
(lagu-lagu tersebut dinyanyikan olehnya)
Demikianlah penjelasan, rumus beserta contoh dari kalimat aktif maupun pasif dalam bentuk simple past tense, semoga dapat membantu anda yang memang sedang belajar mengenai kalimat aktif maupun pasif.